The enigmatic visionary of the Shiba Inu ecosystem, Shytoshi Kusama, asserts that the project has evolved beyond a mere meme coin, presenting a vision of the “Shib Network State” that leverages four core tokens, a global community, and a digital territory.
Defining the Shib Network State
The recent episode of Kusama’s podcast, titled, “Meme Mania and the 36 Chambers of Tech,” revealed the ambition behind Shiba Inu, transforming it from a digital currency into a self-declared sovereign entity built on blockchain. According to Kusama, the Shiba Inu project, often dismissed as a meme-driven phenomenon, qualifies as a network state based on the Montevideo Convention.
This international treaty, signed in 1930, outlines four key elements required for statehood: governance, a substantial population, a defined territory, and the capacity for international relations. Kusama noted, “We declared sovereignty as a meme, just as a joke, because obviously, we’re not a nation.”
However, by applying the framework of the Montevideo Convention, Shiba Inu can be viewed as a self-governing digital entity, according to Kusama. The project’s governance stems from its four-token system.
“We have SHIB to govern community, as I’ve mentioned, BONE to govern technology, LEASH to govern everything that has to do with judicial matters, and TREAT that governs innovation and also governs marketing,” said the visionary. This quad-token system enables community participation in decision-making.
Moreover, the Shib Army, numbering at least six to seven million, according to social media metrics, forms the population of this network state. Kusama revealed that on-chain data, exposed during the collapse of FTX, demonstrated many more holders beyond initial estimates.
Shib Network State: Territory and International Relations in the Digital Realm
Territory, a key element of statehood, takes a digital form in the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Kusama pointed to both the upcoming Shiba Inu metaverse and new domain names like “” as providing the territory for the community.
The project’s ability to interact with other “states” is secured by its multi-chain capabilities, allowing for seamless movement of tokens and assets between various blockchains, fostering relationships with other digital ecosystems.
Kusama’s vision for the Shiba Inu ecosystem is ambitious, aiming to build a system where advanced technology is accessible to everyone. He emphasized that the core goal is to “make Web3 feel like Web2”, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience.
Through the continued evolution of the network state, Shiba Inu is positioning itself as not just a meme but a technologically advanced, decentralized ecosystem. The emphasis, according to Kusama, remains on building a system that is beneficial for the entire Shib community, a community that will continue to propel the project forward.
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- Shytoshi Kusama’s ‘Meme Thesis’: Utility Takes Over Crypto
- Kusama Reveals TREAT Role In Shiba Inu’s Decentralized Treasury
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Yona has no crypto positions and does not hold any crypto assets. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The Shib Daily is an official media and publication of the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency project. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial adviser before making any investment decisions.